






1、你怎会如此大意将你名字放在我心里没带走。 you so will how be negligent your name place i not to carry off at heart.



4、幸福的一爱一情和美满的家庭不需要媒人 佚名

5、是当时的一时冲动,还是现在的无动于衷。 was temporary impulsion then, present's aloof.

6、童稚之爱的原则是:“因为我爱,所以我爱。”成熟之爱的原则是:“因为我爱,所以我被爱。”Love of childish principle is: "because I love, so I love。" Mature love principle is: "because I love, so I be loved。"

7、O loving hate! O anything, of nothing first create! O heavy lightness! Serious vanity! Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms! Feather oflead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! This love feel I…

8、我不会跟你要星星,也不会跟你要月亮,我只想要你知道,我喜欢你。 i will not want the star with you, also will not want the moon with you, i will only want you to know, i will like you.

9、e run is better than tb.

10、Love is the only sane and satisfactory ansm

11、人总是仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被仰望和羡慕着。要珍惜和感知自己真正拥有的幸福。不要让你的幸福,只是在别人眼里。people always look up and envy the happiness of others, a look back, only to find themselves are being look and envy。 To cherish and perceive their own real happiness。 Don't let your happiness, but in others' eyes。

12、The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. (Burke Edmund, British statesman)权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。(英国政治家 埃德蒙.B.)

13、我有很多回忆是关于你的,可是你偏执的认为你不过是个路人甲。 i have many recollections am about you, but you biased thought that you are the passer-by armor.

14、Meet with you, is my best lucky

15、live with the 3 e's … energy, enthusiasm, empathy, and the 3 f's … faith, family, friends. 生活是由3个e,即活力,热情,同情心和3个f,即信仰,家庭和朋友而组成的。

16、“Whatever our souls are made out of, his and mine are the same.”


18、爱情是两个人的天荒地老,不是一个人的一厢情愿。 love was two people in ancient times, was not a person's one's own wishful thinking.



21、你不明白,喜欢一个人是宿命,即使注定是劫难,也在劫难逃。 you are not clear, like a person are the fate, even if is doomed is the disaster, is also doomed.


23、我在这个世界上,走走停停,寻寻觅觅,就是为了和你相遇。 i in this world, stop from time to time, search, is meets for and you.

24、orroeone else's life.

25、我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.

26、男人可以为治水三过家门不入而赢得世世代代赞扬,女人却因少带一天孩子少烧一顿饭而受到社会谴责。A man can in water conservancy three house not win praise from generation to generation, the woman but take one day less for children burn a meal less under condemnation。

27、一段感情能给你带来多大痛苦,就曾给你带来过多大快乐。 section of sentiments can bring the big pain to you, once brought to you excessively many greatly joyful.

28、想你生气,如我所料,你真的生气。你说离开,出我所料,你真的离开。 thinks you to be angry, if i expect, you is really angry. you said leave, have me to expect, you really leaves.


30、Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile。就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。


32、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

33、I love you not because of eone is to be sitting right beside them knoan, e you.

34、你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。 your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.

35、曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。Don't forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan't get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory.



38、世界就像一场乱哄哄的闹剧,没人能够改变些什么。 the world looks like a noisy farce, nobody can change anything.

39、没有什么过不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。 anything could not have passed, i do not believe happiness, i believe you.


41、原谅我离别时候不够勇敢,你一定记得我哭红的双眼。 time forgives i leave is not very brave, you remembered certainly that i cry red both eyes.



44、大部份的痛苦,都是不肯离场的结果,没有命定的不幸,只有死不放手的执着。 the major part pain, is not willing to leave the field the result, does not have the destiny misfortune, only then refuses stubbornly rigid which drops.

45、What's done can't be undone.

46、有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人,注定无法替代一样。 some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel; is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute is the same.



